Downshifts: The SCCV Newsletter

The SCCV newsletter. Post here to communicate with the editor about articles you would like to write, etc.
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Rabbit Farmer
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Downshifts: The SCCV Newsletter

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

ANYONE can contribute to the Downshifts. You can write a short/long article, with/without pictures that is about/no about an SCCV event.

The Downshifts has been historically published every quarter, but over the past few years we have put together about 2 each year. One directly after the Performance Car Show and one again in the middle of the summer. We can hope for four issues each year, but it is a time consuming task. The more people who contribute to the Downshifts the more frequent and better the newsletter will be.
Steve #702
My project post on VWvortex Rabbit Farmer projects
It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway. - Evan Esar