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Post by pdudley42 »

Hi all,
I am signed up to instruct for Tire Rack's Street Survival program Saturday at Thunder Road. This is a defensive driving course aimed at teens. They asked me if I knew any other instructors who may be available to help. This is TOMORROW from 8-4. Sounds like a fun time, and for sure it can only help with my will to get us into autocrossing at Thunder Road.
I don't know much about the specifics, but they set up 3 courses: a braking/lane change maneuver, a slalom, and a skidpad. Basically we work on these 3 obstacles with a student most of the day. Breakfast and lunch are included.
Call me 802 seven nine three 231two if interested...
Paul Dudley #42

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Post by Rabbit Farmer »

Paul. Can't make it on Saturday, but would love to read a post-event write up (photos and video?) to determine how we can continue to support this program.
Steve #702
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Post by pdudley42 »

Tire Rack Street Survival (TRSS) is indeed a good program. They have two class sessions (which I did not attend because the instructors were setting up obstacles) and the rest of the time was spent driving through the series of obstacles. There was a decreasing-radius turn, an ABS stop station, a slalom, a lane change maneuver, an off-camber turn, and maybe another too. The kids had a great time. We could have used more instructors; 8 kids and 4 instructors made for some shaky continuity and probably mixed messages. Thunder Road was NOT a great venue for it. Stowe or Sugarbush would be suitable. This is perhaps our way back into one of these excellent autocross sites. With a shortage of instructors, SCCV CAN HELP. There is a direct tie between the BMW club and TRSS. The good thing is that the officials from the BMW club live & operate in the same world we do. There was intentionally NO racing jargon mixed in with the lessons or the driving. It was a challenge to speak about situations differently than we as racers usually do. The goal here is traffic safety, situational awareness, and overall car control. It had nothing to do with going faster.
Side benefit, the director of this day operates a car dealership in Rutland and has interest in joining us at Devil's Bowl.
Steve, your neighbor Thompson was there taking pictures; I think his daughter was driving too.
They plan to run a winter school as well, and are currently searching for a venue. I think their insurance won't cover driving on the lake, but that is NOT yet confirmed. If you know a decent venue, please step forward. Again, it is a driving school, NOT a performance driving event.
Paul Dudley #42

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Post by Rabbit Farmer »

Steve, your neighbor Thompson was there taking pictures; I think his daughter was driving too
Really? I still picture her as a little kid.

Good information. No reason we can’t get involved in this. Good for the club and good for the community.
Steve #702
My project post on VWvortex Rabbit Farmer projects
It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway. - Evan Esar
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