2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

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2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by opecor »

Details for all meetings (date, time, location) are on the calendar:


SCCV Meeting
January 19, 2016

Orianna Pecor #29
Cory Pecor #335
Erik Reisner #719
Joseph Hoyt #17
Paul Dudley #42
Jeremy Haas #555
Julie Jones #101
Steve Jones #702

Selling the trailer - discussion regarding asking price, documentation and potential buyers. Vote was held to decide asking price and put out to bid to two interested parties.

Autocross locations - Canaan and Club Motorsports, collaboration with SCCNH. Devil's Bowl: inner wall not moving. Airborne: no contact yet with new track manager (has Seth had luck?). Diamond Run Mall: Paul still working on it; please hold.

Back of membership card - remove sponsors and replace with what? Options: punch card for events, bar code reader? (note: possibly print cards for members to hand out when talking about the club? Need to keep website updated if sending people to it).

Erik resigning as Treasurer effective immediately. Replacement to be posted (done on facebook). Responsibilities: Insurance, membership cards, paying venue & other expenses (ie. Philo).

President informed Donna at Zachary's of meeting venue change. She asked to be reminded at meeting on Feb. 16th.

7:57pm: meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: Feb. 16, Zachary's Pizza, South Burlington
March meeting: March 21st, Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield <-- should this be March 15?

Agenda for next meeting:
Finalize back of membership cards
Follow up on possible autocross locations
Potential wintercross event at O'Neill
Ice thickness update, or possibility of other wintercross locations
Others agenda items?
Orianna Pecor #29
2006 Mini Cooper S "Shirley"
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by opecor »

February 16, 2016
Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield

Orianna Pecor #29
Cory Pecor #335
Ricky Gratton Jr #643
George Rooney #77
Paul Dudley #42
Erik Reisner #719
Simon Kribstock #207
Chris Rielly #169
Jeremy Haas #555
Britni Bryant #19


Diamond Run Mall Autocross format: test & tune or school on one day, event second day. Remember we are more in the public eye; a school event is great. Be sure to patronize businesses supported by Chamber of Commerce (hill climb catering?). Formula for donation: 50% of profit per weekend, minimum $100. Listed possible dates and conflicts; Canaan, SLMP, Hillclimbs.

Ricky attempting to contact Stowe re: early autocross.

Old trailer still not sold. New: shelves need to be finished. Should we really sell the old one? Steve can put the small one at his house.

Membership cards - print the schedule on the back. Order "hey lady, nice car" cards.

Ice: Nein.

O'Neill: OP chatted a bit at event. Tend to have extra zeroes on the end of any charges. Will save for wintercross possibility next year as no pavement.

Mt Washington 2017 dates - July - attract more Pikes Peak people? Trying to get Monster the electric car.

Points & Results - easily post & look nice. Rules changes and in Access will be easier. Challenge getting each run exported - overall best will export in excel. Post points as season goes. Howard @SCCNH used same software, reached out for tips. Ours is very old, haven't paid for update or mudules. Thinking about software update? What do the modules do? How much does it cost? Other software options? Nein. Axeware has transponding system. OR hillclimb software with our timing?


SCCV Meeting
March 15, 2016
Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield
Orianna Pecor #29
Cory Pecor #335
Paul Dudley #42
Eric Reisner #719
Seth Achilles #66
Ricky Gratton #643
Sarah Humburg #81
Simon Kribstock #207
Jeremy Haas #555
Joseph Hoyt #17
Nick Wheelock #832
Joey Kale #111
Chris Reilly #169
Nick Goldberg #476
Autocross – Diamond Run Mall is a go. They approved all dates requested. Do we want to do all of them? Date in July surrounded by hill climbs – possibly can this date. Base off attendees for previous events, since there isn’t a lot of overlap? Paul recommends 5 or 6 2 day events. Need to look at SCCNH’s autocross schedule, however this location isn’t favorable for them. Better for NY/AMEC guys. What is the cancellation policy w/Diamond Run Mall? Go for more and scale back if we need to. What is the cutoff (number of cars)? Seth suggests 70 but need to look at setup (Paul says we can – run two cars). Paul showed the potential course setup for the first event. Possibility of making wet section – decided not to for now. Potential to have spectators and a drawing/raffle for free registration or lesson, etc. Worth looking into. Chamber asked if we’d like to put a car or a few in the mall for promotion. Publish all seven dates with the option to call off July. Suggestion to use motorsportreg – get commitments and gauge attendees. Go for it! Fairly logistically ‘interesting’ so we need full crew to run the event. Traffic control, crowd control, PR, etc. Caution tape to help crowd control. Signs? “Event in progress.”
Move to can July autocross? Park trailer at Jon Hart’s? Burke I could be moved to that weekend, and NEFR is that weekend. FINAL VOTE – post with asterisk.
There is a potential construction conflict. 30-90 days’ notice. Ricky and/or Orianna will get with Steve to set up events on motorsportsreg. Side note: roll bars not necessary at this event. Need to publish on forums.
Airborne – manager keeps calling. Insurance is $1,000. Manager willing to move on track rental but insurance has to go up. Agreement to not go to Airborne.

SLMP – good to go May 28 & 29. Open Friday for open lapping. Pay structure - $200 for full afternoon. Ricky got $100 off rate because of toilet situation. Possibility to rent porta potty. Possibility for SLMP #2. Discuss at a later date.
Canaan – 9/14 & 15 (to be confirmed). Might not put on motorsportreg. Depends on what SCCNH does – want to sell as weekend long thing, even though we are hosting one day.
Vote on NEHA rule changes (mention Philo – will need volunteers). Helmet - a SNELL SA2010 or newer after first two events of the seasons. Tech: All required personal safety equipment must have proper approval markings such as SFI or FIA. Seats: Racing seats are allowed and encouraged in any car not requ roll bar. For 2017 season, one piece racing seats are requ for all cars that are req to have a roll car. Class added to allow rallysprint cars to participate. Vote: APPROVED.
Membership cards – talk to Steve. Put schedule on back? Some are hesitant. We have a good schedule now. OP to talk to Steve to get it done.
Club Trailer – new trailer needs to be registered and inspected. What’s up with the old trailer? How much more work does the new trailer need? Usable for April autocross? Need to build shelf for bins and ratchet strap to hold cones. More work? Who will drag to event? Paul to talk to contact and leave on site or close by (to be picked up by someone who drops off their car trailer). Nick W will talk to his brother to see if he can store trailer. Rutland Motorcars? Worst case scenario. Do we want to try to sell old trailer to Charlie still?
Orianna Pecor #29
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by opecor »

SCCV Meeting
April 19, 2016
Zachary's Pizza, South Burlington

Orianna Pecor #29
Cory Pecor #335
Steve Jones #702
Chris Rielly #169
Ricky Gratton #643
Erik Reisner #719
Paul Dudley #42
Jeremy Haas #555
Simon Kribstock #207

Speedway for Philo – rate the same as it has been in the past

Treasurer report – balance, income, payments listed.

Membership cards – ordered, en route. Arriving early May. Membership list not updated yet in forums. Will update in the next week.

Old trailer – keep for Philo? Wasting time & money driving to hill climb trailer for fire extinguishers, canopies and signs. SCCV will need to buy equipment. Either trailer welcome to store at Steve Jones’s. If autocross series is profitable, it is possible to keep old trailer. No need to decide to sell trailer now. All equipment stored in this trailer can be also used for autocross – fire extinguishers need to be purchased for autocrossed. Group agreed to hold on decision to sell.

New trailer / equipment for autocross – new trailer needs cleaning out. Need paperwork, computer is set up for both events. Chris has chalk. Radios? Steve Jones and Ricky will get trailer ready for event. Who will be able to tow to event? Possibly need to load up cars to get equipment down for the first event. Both trailers need locks. Need to purchase 4 fire extinguishers ($360). Batteries for lights and handhelds. Test radios and all equipment.

Helmets – SCCV matches SCCA rules – currently SNELL 2005

Extras – 50/50 raffle. Need to make sign. How much? Are we allowed to do that on mall property? Proceeds benefiting charity.

Autocross class – motion to repurpose ladies’ class (class 7) to exhibition class (the etc/”I don’t care” class). Any car can run, gets time but not points over season. Gives people time to properly class car after event. Class women in novice or regular car classes. Novice should run the entire year in the same class. Need third person at registration to class cars? Voted to add exhibition class (class 9). Will vote at next meeting whether or not to remove ladies’ class. Reminder – 8 is novice.

Bring cars to tech – line up at staging area. Instructional runs – rule abolished last year. Insurance requirement – time can count but person has to be considered instructional and only registered driver. IE. Anyone registered for the event can be considered an “instructor.”
Orianna Pecor #29
2006 Mini Cooper S "Shirley"
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

May 17, 2016 Meeting
Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield

Autocross 1, 2, 3, 4
Ascutney #1 (May 20-22)
SLMP #1 (May 28-29; stay over Sunday night)
Okemo #1 (June 10-12)
SCCV Trailer(s)
Still need Treasurer and Publicity Director

Orianna Pecor #29
Cory Pecor #335
Steve Jones #702
Erik Reisner #719
Nick Wheeler #832
Chris Rielly #169
Paul Dudley #42
Tim Fournier #612
Jeremy Haas #555
Seth Achilles #66

Trailers – recommend use small trailer as satellite trailer for autocrosses. Large trailer doesn’t fit in storage spot. Per Steve, small trailer is still legal. It needs to be inspected – when? Large trailer needs to be inspected soon. Coordinate getting correct equipment into trailer and bring to Rutland storage after SLMP, then bring north after autocross season and switch trailers for Philo. Do not want to mess with two trailers worth of equipment before Philo. Two weeks between last autocross and Philo. Ensure that trailer comes back North IMMEDIATELY after last autocross.
Autocross went more smoothly. Master list of set up tasks. Time saving efforts – make worker groups then run group assignments will follow. Need to ASK for help. Have a post drivers’ meeting. Results meeting, motivate people to stick around. Remind people to stick around ALL day – 1st run group tended to leave after their runs. How to keep people from leaving early? Also make post checklist and again, ASK. Make pre-registration incentive. Everyone who pre-registers gets put in a hat and a drawing for a free registration. OR Everyone who pre-registers gets two free fun runs. Pre-reg helps to know if we have enough people to use the two-lot course or if we have to use the large lot. Alternatively, we can do the spotter in the car.
Timing equipment and computer are not ideal. Solution: make a lot of $$ this summer and buy new software, timing lights, computer. Nick W to look into pricing.
If autocross is as profitable as we hope, can we consider after event awards (for each event)? Are there things that we can do to reward people and bring in more buzz and excitement? Other clubs do these kind of things. Per Steve – dash plaques? $321 for 100 plaques (cheaper on internet), all separate designs for full series. To really be successful, you need to have a set time. If you are staying for fun runs, it’s part of the gig that you are tearing down the course. Souvenir for every event? 75 cents for place plaques. Definitely something the novices should get. Table for further discussion. OP to look into online pricing options.
Donation of loaner helmets needed. 2005 or newer.
SLMP – need co-chair? Tim willing to step up if someone can message him requirements. Tim will get with Ricky to figure it out. Will also get list of needed equipment. Trailer needs a bit of reorg. Most equipment in Burlington area. New fire extinguishers are in Tyler’s shed in Rutland. One extinguisher in small trailer. (need to get rid of old extinguishers and make sure new ones are inspected every year). Other extinguishers for event – need one more for SLMP; will purchase. Will need more for Philo and can decide later in year if we will purchase more. NOTE: we are allowed to stay over night Sunday after event.
Okemo & Ascutney – done with meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Steve #702
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

June 21, 2016 Meeting

Orianna Pecor #29
Ricky Gratton Jr #643
Chris Rielly #187
Steve Jones #702
Alan Fenton #449
Simon Kribstock #207
Erik Reisner #719
Tim Fournier #612
Paul Dudley #42
John Sollinger #426
Jeremy Haas #555
Eric Brigham #71
Timing issues – lots of discussion and troubleshooting. Chris R will look at it.
Trailer – any issue with big trailer being philo trailer? Only issue is running the wire up the hill. Could do it from a pickup, or prop up the door somehow. Now that we have two trailers, going to one is not an option. Small is for autocross according to storage. Large is satellite. Option: store trailer at Alan Fenton’s house but that doesn’t solve getting the large trailer towed. Possible to do a back-and-forth as he is in Castleton and has a good towing vehicle. If he can’t attend, we can either use another vehicle to tow, or send a few cars to load up. Need to build the shelves still. Best way: drop at Nick Goldberg’s house! Committee build concept has failed. Solution: large trailer is for autocross, small one for Philo. Store large trailer at Alan Fenton’s house. Offered free entry and Alan declined.
Publicity – John & Alan. Willing to do publicity. Make a flier to distribute to appropriate places and events. Possibility of sponsorships? How much money? Do we even want to get into that to account for sponsorship? Probably not as a non-profit. Possible redesign of logo so we can make fliers, business cards, t shirt. OP has design, send to Ricky. If we want people to use motorsportreg, put it on the website. We need to update website. Any ideas? Any active members that can do it? Jeremy H may have a person. Question posted: why do we bother with a website? Why not facebook only? We need to have links, etc. We need a webmaster.
Steve #702
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

July 19, 2016 meeting
Moved to Zachary's for AX7-8 organizational needs

August autocross (<--- discuss equipment, charging battery, preparing laptop, taking care of equip, good packing in trailer, etc.)
Approval for printing flyers (I still have the cost question above)
Philo (see below)
Bank account $8764 balance. Already took out August insurance. Will need to write $2k check for Philo and $454 insurance soon.
New trailer still needs to be inspected
Philo update
Autocross: Chris has laptop & batteries, Ricky has radios. Steve has sent payments & insurance requests. Need to switch trailers – small trailer for Philo, large for autocross. Possibility to park large trailer at Alan Fenton’s house. Edit: bring large trailer to Tyler’s, load AX equipment and deliver to Alan’s. Bring small trailer to Steve’s with Philo equipment. Who can tow the large trailer? Ricky can donate time. AutoX on 13th & 14th. Bring down large trailer on Sat morning. Do swap at autocross. Put large trailer at Alan’s. Chris can tow large trailer but needs to get his car to the event. Chris will work on that.
How did the battery hold up on Sunday? Is Chris’s charger an issue? We need to replace the batteries in the lights.
Flyer cost - ~50 cents each. Orianna researched and found that this sounds expensive but is competitive for color copies. If anyone is able to make color copies for a fee at work, we’d like to work on that instead. Suggestions for edits: action shots rather than parking lot and/or hood up. How to disperse? Locally – easy. Orianna to get with Mrs. Raymond to distribute in Rutland area. Approved to print 100 fliers. Simon will coordinate dispersing locally and get receipt to Steve.
Shirts – edit design – put website design on back as well. Make cones pointer cones. Business cards: hillclimb is one word, add website. $125 for 10 sample shirts and 100 business cards. Edit:everyone pay for a shirt. Those running the event wear them to the August event. Drivers buy and receive a shirt on site. Order 15 shirts in various sizes. Collect interest in other sizes, colors, designs. Charge $15 per shirt on site for promotional order. Change to $20 for later orders.
Glasses – talk later.
Bank account – treasury report above.
Trailer inspection – who can do it? Chris & Ricky will coordinate amongst themselves and get it done before the August autocross.
Philo update – Steve did online process and got same permit process and sign, send check w/insurance. He started forum post. Need registrar, possible worker coordinator (won’t do pre-event stuff). Cost to purchase our own non electronic equipment – canopies, signs, etc? Steve and Chris to figure it out.
Steve #702
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

August 16, 2016 meeting
Zachary's Pizza
Williston Road
South Burlington, VT

Everyone is welcome!

Autocross 7 and 8 summary (August.... occurred last weekend)
Autocross 9 and 10 organization (September)
Burke #2 hillclimb (August 27-28)
Ascutney #2 hillclimb (September 17-18)
Canaan track event (SCCV and SCCNH) organization
Mt. Philo organization (update from Chris and Steve)
What else?

Attendees: Paul Dudley, Ricky Gratton, Erik Riesner, Orianna Pecor, Cory Pecor, Alan Fenton, Jeremy Haas, Brittney Palermo, Simon Kribstock, Steve Jones, Chris Rielly
Format? Autocross or SLMP? NH coordinators will be running as autocross format. What should we do? Considering the number of cars (75?!) we would be better off doing it autocross style. It’s possible to run as two separate courses using NH’s timing equipment for the other timing equipment. What about insurance? Do we need hillclimb insurance due to the potential for higher speeds? $90 more. NH is ordering it for the full weekend and calling it an autocross. Speed limit for autocross? Per Paul – keep it slow. Confirmed. Need rollbar rule (see SLMP broomstick test). Paul to ask Andrew if we should include this. Many of the NH cars do not have roll bars.
What to charge for pricing? We should match NH pricing - $40/$50. Limit entries to 70 drivers. What is our half of the bill? Equipment needed: timing, canopy, some cones. Can load into someone’s car after Sept autocross and return for Oct autocross. Small trailer need to be inspected – rated for 5,000lb?? No. No inspection needed for small trailer.
Who, of SCCV organizers, will be there? Paul, Simon, Jeremy, Brittney, Alan, Britni. Need to set up MSR ASAP. Add “incidents may happen” disclaimer.
September Autocross:
Business as usual for Sept and Oct. Suggested to do one day events for 2017. Need to okay $500/day with the mall – will discuss at a later date.
October Autocross:
Wait on insurance and mall payment for now.
Burke Hillclimb:
Aug 27 & 28 – do it now if you want to do it as it may not be available later. Ascutney – great.
Mt. Philo:
Can we buy necessary equipment to run Philo instead of renting, transporting, taking time, etc. Equipment includes canopies, brooms, flags, non electronic equipment, wheel chock, signs. High est. $1,350 total (note for club – get yearly inspection on fire extinguishers. Bring old fire extinguishers to Firetech to dispose).
Budget & awards for autocross? Every other club seems to offer awards. After-event meeting. In the past, we’ve done dash plaques (cost $3) for each attendee. Also place plaques – 1st thru 3rd in each class, then FTD. Sponsor? Engrave it on glassware. Limit to FTD and first in each class. Not event specific. Different trophies at end of year banquet.
Steve #702
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by Rabbit Farmer »

September 20, 2016 Meeting
Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield

Talk about AX 8-9
Canaan is next! (Sep 24 is SCCNH and Sep 25 is SCCV; drive both days)
AX 11-12 (Oct 1-2)
Philo Oct 14, 15, 16 <-- need volunteers to coordinate the 'boss' tasks
Trailer.... what is needed for Canaan, AX 11-12, and Philo
SLMP? <-- if club wants to happen, "you" will need to chair the event)
2017 Board of Directors (time to step up to the plate!)
SCCV annual awards banquet (in calendar year 2016)
NEHA awards banquet (SCCV is hosting)
Steve #702
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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by pdudley42 »

I'm picking up the trailer Tuesday and bringing it to my house. Nick and I will bring the event's worth of cones and other things from the trailer to Canaan. The trailer will have to find another home after the weekend, or even possibly after the meeting if the stuff is unloaded by then (long shot).

Also to discuss is the upcoming autocross at DRMAX, potentially making it just Saturday (historically better attendance) instead of both days.
Paul Dudley #42

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Re: 2016 SCCV Meetings (agenda, attendance, meeting notes)

Post by ricker96 »

I'm not going to make it tonight, things have come up last minute, and need my attention asap!
Enjoy some good food for me, and have fun at the Canaan autocrosses this weekend.
I hope to see everyone at the October DRMAX auto-x!
Ricky Gratton Jr.
SCCV #643
Track car/hillclimb car- Mutant WRX
Summer fun- light blue 1985 RX7
DD- 2001 audi a4 1.8t
Work in progress- red 1991 VW Jetta
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