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the brown MINI

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:14 pm
by brownMINI
Yes, as some of you know, the brown MINI did not entirely survive SLMP III 2007.

I did manage to get a sub-minute time in it on Saturday.

Sunday, I was stupid. I went out way too hard on cold tires on my first lap in the morning.

I did my braking at the end of the front straight, and made the first right turn of the chicane. I do not remember what happened immediately after that.

The next thing I do remember is sliding sideways, 180° from the direction the car should have been pointed, towards the two big trees near the swamp.

Somehow, I managed to make contact with a large rock that sits between the two big trees. I never knew that rock was there before. The rock clipped the front bumper and clobbered the right front wheel.



The wheel moved back a bit and closed the gap between the quarter panel and door


The door will open, but it makes nasty sounds as the door contacts the body panel in front of it.

The inside of the wheel made contact with the strut


The suspension on that corner of the car is done. The control arm is bent, the ball joint popped off, the half shaft pulled out of the transmission, and probably more.

I also seem to have take a bite out of one of the pulleys


And on the inside, both front airbags deployed


which caused some damage to my helmet (which doesn't photograph well)


And, if you really need to see it, there's video:
caution, contains adult language

Like I said, I was stupid.

But, I'm fairly certain the brown MINI can be put back together... time will tell...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:42 pm
by Rabbit Farmer
Wow... it looks like the car electronics completely took over once you hit the grass and you were just along for the ride. :shock:

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:43 pm
by sachilles
Sorry to see that. Glad you are OK. Very happy to see you broke a minute with it prior to this happening.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:07 am
by Mr. Bridgestone
Once again I want to say I'm glad you are alright. The view from start-finish was no better. After watching the video, I don't see anything you could have done better or differently. You had the wheel turned all the way over and were along for the ride. :cry:

Just glad you are alright, the car can be fixed. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:23 am
by BugEyeRex
Wow :shock: I am glad you are okay. Maybe the Mini can morph into a dedicated racer.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:57 pm
by TSR53
Ouch. It's just a scratch! J's tough little MINI will be back stronger!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:11 am
by brownMINI
Who has a truck?

Greg in CT says that he can take custody of the MINI whenever. I'd like to get it down there with the next week or so.

Can any of the truck owning folks help me out? Friday-Sunday all look like reasonable days for me to do this.

A few bodies will also be needed to get the MINI off of Thompson's lawn and back onto a trailer... oh... and I guess I'd need a trailer, too. :D

I'm fairly certain (but not positive) that the MINI will be staying in CT for a while, not taking a trailer ride back north the same day / weekend it heads down there.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:20 am
by sachilles
I have a truck, but no brake you'd need a trailer with hydro brakes. You are welcome to it.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:49 pm
i will have to check with the mrs to see what is going on this weekend. I have to work sat, and its laura's B-day.

where is CT does it have to go?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:02 pm
by brownMINI
STI NICK wrote:where is CT does it have to go?
Hampton - sorta in the northeast corner. I've been there once, but don't remember much about getting there. Other than it's definitely a rural part of the state, not in a city.