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Project question mark.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:45 pm
by sachilles
This project has me so conflicted I don't know what the hell to do.

A co-worker had this car, and I had told him that if he ever decided to sell it, to let me know. I've always wanted a coupe, and like the color. Is a coupe a practical car for a family guy? There are worse problems but that is always a consideration. Rhonda suggested we buy it, and I couldn't help but agree with her. I could sell off a few parts and recover my cash investment.
Joey had a look at it, and tried to talk some sense in to me. The amount of work to fix it up to be a good daily driver is likely too much. Yet I can't help but think I want to.

Denny(our silver 4 dr rs) is truthfully in in worse shape body wise, and I need to replace him by October.

I have a perfectly good race car.

I suppose I could rallyx the snot out of it, but I'm not sure it's realistic, as I barely have time to do the events on pavement that I want to do.

Andrew seems to love the car, as he thinks it's the "King" from the movie cars. Honestly it's cheaper than most Jungle gym's out there. I have have a mind to keep it just so he can play with it.

Inspire me.


Re: Project question mark.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:17 pm
Sell the parts. Keep the shell with the front seats and steering wheel for the jungle Gym. That way he doesnt figure out how to start it when your not looking and get picked up for speeding while going to the store to get a cookie before he is 5. Sell Denny and buy a good daily driver. Maybe slip in a turbo upgrade for the race car. Just a thought. :drinkers:

And i can work for beer to help take the parts off the car.

Re: Project question mark.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:27 pm
by 8valvegrowl
Car Sauna? ... h-saunaab/

There's a BBQ grill in the engine compartment, too. Perfect for the backyard.