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Club Meeting Agenda August 16th

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:47 pm
by BugEyeRex
It's getting close to that time again to meet at Zachary's Pizza on Williston road at 7:00pm Tuesday the 16th. Is there any topic that would like to be discussed?

Tentative agenda:
1. SLMP #2
2. Discussion and possible vote on the club buying a solar battery tender for the club battery. Price range $80- $150.
3. Mount Philo Hillclimb

Please feel free to post up a topic that you would like to discuss and I will add it to the list.

Re: Club Meeting Agenda August 16th

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:30 pm
by lawdogg
I should show up to talk about Philo. :censor: I'm in town anyway. Good time for a club meeting. \:D/

Re: Club Meeting Agenda August 16th

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:57 am
by BugEyeRex
Discussed at the meeting:
1. The state of SLMP 2 (event was almost full enough to have)
2. Discussion on Solar battery tender for club battery- decided to wait and discuss in winter.
3. Philo- Event moving foward.
4. Discussion of SLMP / AutoX rate change. No decision has been made. Discussion to be happen after racing season.